  • One Park Place Executive Suites
    621 NW 53rd Street, Suite 240
    Boca Raton, Florida 33487

There are two ways to increase your company’s bottom line. Increase revenue or cut costs. Or, you can accomplish both with a Virtual Office.
A virtual office space can increase revenue by enhancing your business image. People are more likely to do business with a company whose address is recognizable. No one wants to see a PO Box or home address on a business card or website. If you secure a virtual office mail box in a Class A building in the geographic location of your ideal client, you will be able to market to and attract more customers.
Virtual offices allow you to have more than one location. If you have ideal clients in 10 different regions, you can easily and inexpensively have a professional, class A business identity in each target market. This option can open your business up to global opportunities. Most virtual offices can be secured in short increments of time, so when your potential client base changes, grows or shrinks, your office obligations can too. You can finally focus on selling.
If you aren’t worrying about being home for the Fed Ex delivery, having to pull over to check your calendar or constantly taking calls on your cell phone, you can go out on the road and actually sell. A virtual office space provider will have the staff and amenities to take care of your “office” while you are on the road. Your virtual office space provider becomes a professional representation of you and your business and provides a seamless business identity to portray to your clients and customers.
Many businesses these days don’t need a full time office. People are mobile, flexible and can work from anywhere, so why tie yourself down to a long term traditional lease.
Investing in virtual office space can cut overhead and allows you to pay for services on an as needed basis. It’s only there when you need it and you only pay for it when you use it. Virtual workspaces cost much less than full time options and have just as many amenities as traditional space.
For more information about Virtual Office Space Solutions contact One Park Place Executive Suites.

October 19th, 2016 Posted In: Uncategorized